"Selfie Dad" FAQ

When is Selfie Dad being released in the U.S.?
Selfie Dad is now available as a Theatrical Premiere at Home! Watch now.
What is Selfie Dad rated?
Selfie Dad is rated PG.
Who made Selfie Dad?
Selfie Dad was produced by Paul L. Long and written & directed by Brad J. Silverman.
Who is distributing Selfie Dad?
Film distribution for Selfie Dad is being handled in the U.S. by Atlas Distribution.
What is Selfie Dad about?

A reality TV editor in the midst of a whopping mid-life crisis is convinced he can only be happy by fulfilling his lost dream of being a comic. He sets out to become a social media star only to find that the happiness he seeks only be found in a most unlikely place – the Word of God!

Who stars in Selfie Dad?
Selfie Dad features an amazing lineup including:
  • Michael Jr.
  • Chonda Pierce
  • James Denton
  • Karen Abercrombie
  • Jamie Grace
How can I stay up-to-date on Selfie Dad?
To stay up-to-date on the latest Selfie Dad news, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and be sure to sign up for the official Selfie Dad newsletter.
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